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#NersMuda Keperawatan Part #1

Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Malahayati memiliki program Profesi Ners. Untuk menciptakan Perawat yang berkualitas.

Penulis sudah 2 bulan menjalani profesi Ners di 2 Stase yaitu Sate eh Stase maksudnya.. Stase KegawatDaruratan dan Stase Keperawatan Jiwa.

Mau Liat kegiatannya?? :) yuk kita intip kegiatan di Gadar dan Jiwa..hehee... Maaf sebelumnya kalau gambarnya kurang berkualitas,,maklum bukan Fotographer soalnya.. heheee..

Cuma dikit sih fotonya.. :D ntar nyusul deh.. soalnya masih di handphone..sebagian lagi masih proses nyolong.. hahahaa maksudnya masih ama temen.. :p

Sekian dulu deh.. lanjut nulis laporan dulu.. :( Nasib seorang calon perawat ya begini.. nuliiiiiiissss terus.. !! :'(

Top 30 Nursing Blogs of 2013

Nursing is a broad field with many different roles and career levels. Reading the blogs of experienced nurses at different levels in the field can help those entering or seeking to advance in the field to learn more about the various roles, and find the career path best suited to them. These thirty blogs represent a broad spectrum of the available career options in nursing and each offers unique insights based not just on what role the blogger fills, but also how the job differs, depending on the professional context and geographic location.

Best Nursing Blogs
  1. Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Blogs feature a wide variety of perspective from their various bloggers. The blogs are written by some of the foremost minds in the nursing field and offer insights into both the worlds of practice and academia.
  2. Codeblog is one of the oldest and most consistent nursing blogs out there, dating back 11 years. Codeblog very simply covers the nursing experiences of its writer and records them for the entertainment and education of others in the field or considering it.
  3. Nurse Barb is a very popular advice blog that covers a wide range of treatment options for common ailments. The blog stands as a good example of the sort of niches available to nurses interested in blogging.
  4. At Your Cervix is a blog featuring the musings of a labor and delivery nurse. The blog also chronicles her journey from nurse, to nurse-midwife.
  5. RehabRN features the thoughts and experiences of a rehab nurse. The blog is engaging and shares stories of both success and failure, seeking always to provide the reader with a realistic sense of the job.
  6. Madness: Tales of an Emergency Room Nurse features tales from the emergency room, and the perspective of a nurse working in this necessarily high pressure environment. The blog features topics from stories derived from personal experience, to advice for surviving the day to day insanity of the ER.
  7. Health Care Renewal is focused on addressing major issues that threaten to compromise the core values of the health profession. The blog turns an especially critical eye on management and the centralization and abuse of power.
  8. Provo School Nurses is a collaborative blog run by a collection of school nurses from the Provo Utah area. These nurses share insight into the lives of school nurses, and advice for nurses in or considering the school nurse field. The blog also features posts centered on providing resources for local readers. This blog is a great example for school nurses looking to maximize their impact on their local community.
  9. Tales of a School Zoned Nurse features the stories and thoughts of a school nurse. This is a more intimate, personal look at school nursing. The tone of the blog is light, with a good sense of humor.
  10. Diary of a School Nurse is all about what really goes on in the nurse’s office. The blog features stories about and advice dealing with the unique day to day situations faced by school nurses everywhere. Many of the posts are in a poetic form, which gives the blog a unique feel.
  11. Nurse Education seeks to provide a place where debate and discussion about the nursing profession, and nurse education in particular, can be had. The blog tackles all of the major nurse education issues, and the impact of those issues on the field of nursing in general.
  12. A Journey Through Nursing School and Beyond chronicles the journey of a nurse pursuing her BSN degree. The blog deals a lot with the unique challenges of working a nurse’s difficult schedule, and balancing that with school and life.
  13. The Makings of a Nurse is all about taking readers on the journey of nursing by communicating the writer’s thoughts and experiences of day to day life as a nurse. While the blog is primarily about nursing, it also throws in posts dealing with the world outside the workplace.
  14. Ten Centimeters and Beyond is the blog of a night shift labor and delivery nurse that works in a mid-sized hospital. The blogger is also a mother who has experienced many of the challenges of pregnancy on a personal level. She shares insights from both the medical and personal side of pregnancy and birth.
  15. The Birthin’ Blog is an upbeat blog that features articles and advice beneficial to both labor and delivery nurses, and expectant mothers.
  16. On Call RN… is all about the makings of an ICU nurse. The blog shares stories as well as commentary and analysis from a nurse’s perspective on medical issues and other topics.
  17. The Nurse Practitioner’s Place features the musings of a nurse practitioner who practices in a rural area.  This mother and grandmother received her degree in 2007 and her enthusiasm for this career she arrived into later in life shows in her insightful and well written blog.
  18. Nurse Practitioner Business Owner Blog is a unique blog where this nurse practitioner shares insights on the business side of nursing. The blog is focused on providing resources and support nurse practitioners in private independent practice.
  19. Adventures of a PICU Nurse Practitioner has two areas of focus. One is relating stories and insights derived by this nurse practitioner from her time working in the PICU. The other focus is on how she sees life outside of work, and how her profession affects her day to day life.
  20. The NP Mom brings both the perspective of a Nurse Practitioner and a mother to the table. The blog tackles major issues of health and parenting such as eating disorders, type II diabetes in children, and online RN to BSN education.
  21. ER RN brings readers advice an experiences from an ER night shift nurse. The blog recognizes that being a night shift RN takes a certain kind of person. Anybody considering night shift nursing should read this, and anybody that does night shift nursing will find a kindred spirit.
  22. ER Nurses Care is the blog of Leslie Block, and she loves being an ER nurse. She cares about her patients, about her co-workers, and about people on the internet she has never met. Her blog has some stories, but mostly advice, tips on staying healthy and developing healthy habits no matter who you are or what you do, but especially if you are an ER nurse with a demanding and often fluctuating schedule.
  23. Adventures of Hood Nurse: Hood Hospital 2, Electric Boogaloo is an irreverent look at the unique challenges faced by nurses who work in urban environments with people on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum.
  24. My Strong Medicine followed the blogger on his journey through his graduate education in nursing and now continues to follow him as he makes the transition from the Master’s in Nursing to a new level in the field.
  25. Digital Doorway features the musings of Nurse Keith on the nursing profession, coaching, healthcare, and more. The blog features articles on the importance of self care, book reviews, and stories about day to day events in the life of a nurse.
  26. Not Nurse Ratched features fresh new perspectives on the field from a young up and comer who was inspired to go to nursing school after being a medical editor for most of her career.  This web savvy, politically incorrect, tattooed and pierced ER nurses offers an edgier view on everything from nursing to photography to Apple products to pit bulls.
  27. Nursing Notes of Discord features fictional stories that reflect real life problems and situations faced by a psychiatric nurse.
  28. Life in the NHS is written by a 30 year veteran of nursing. While she no longer works in nursing directly, she maintains the blog and offers insights and perspectives on developments in the field from an experienced point of view.
  29. The Nerdy Nurse features articles on everything from eating healthy, to building a great RN resume. The blog is light on stories and skews more toward posts about life in general and useful tips for fellow nurses.
  30. JParadisi RN’s Blog is an eclectic blog that ties in science, art, and humanity to the profession of nursing, viewing the field through a variety of unique perspectives. 

Source : Guide To Nursing Degrees

Tutorial Menggabungkan File Dengan HJ-Split

Ada yang tau HJ-Split???? Software ini merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan/memisahkan file berupa .001, dan lain-lain.

Nah, jika sudah pada tau silahka download dulu HJ-Splitnya di SINI

  1. Jika kalian download File contohnya film, karena film berukuran besar dan harus di split/pecah agar memudahkan pada downloader dalam mendownload. File biasanya berupa ekstensi .001 atau yg lain nya.
  2. Jika sudah di download file splitnya, maka letakkan didalam folder yang sama
  3. Buka HJ-SPLIT yang telah kalian download tadi, kemudian Klik JOIN (Untuk Menggabungkan File) atau SPLIT (Untuk Memecah File) 
  4. Pilih Input File dan pilihlah file yg berupa .001 tadi kemudian Klik START
  5. Hasil file yg digabungkan berada di dalam folder file kalian tadi.
  6. Bagaimana??? Gampang bukan???
Selamat Mencoba...!!! Jika ada yg ingin ditanyakan silahkan Berikan Komentar kalian..

Materi Keperawatan Semester 6

Hai teman2 Perawat semua,,mengingat gw udah semester 7 (ciee...sombong) jadi materi semester 6 nya masih ada nih dan masih lengkap... 

Pada butuh gak nih ama materinya??? Yok langsung di download aja...Semua File gw Upload ke Sebuah website Hosting yaitu Mediafire, agar sobat2 sekalian bisa download dengan nyaman..

Adapun materinya yaitu:

  1. Komunitas III  [4Mb-Mediafire]
  2. Manajement Keperawatan  [1Mb-Mediafire]
  3. Sistem Reproduksi  [428 Mb-Medifire][Uploading Proses...Please Wait !!!]
  4. Sistem Perkemihan  [9Mb-Mediafire]

Untuk Sistem Reproduksi File di Pecah Menjadi 10 dan Masing-masing Menjadi [50Mb]. Setelah di download semua file Sistem Reproduksi nya, maka bagaimana cara menggabungkan file nya?? Silahkan Klik INFO 
Cuman 4??? iya emg cuma 4 sob,,soalnya mata kuliah yg 2 lagi itu Praktek jadi gak mungkin donk mau di share juga..hehee..

NB: Oh iya,,kalau ada Link yang rusak silahkan Hub. Contact Us, dan link akan segera di perbaiki.. Terima Kasih...

Semoga Bermanfaat ya..!!! Keep Spirit Perawat Indonesia..

Tentang Hati Nurani, Cinta , dan Harapan

Hai teman2 smua...melalui blog lah aku bisa berbagi cerita, cita , dan bahagia... sedih gak dibagi,,,kan gak baik..hueeheheh...

Malam ini topik kita adalah Hati , Cinta , dan Harapan. Semua pasti punya ketiga hal itu kan??? kalau gak punya bukan manusia doank.... :D

Teman-teman smua yg sedang berbunga2 hatinya,,Hati itu adalah titik dari pikiran sesungguhnya.. Why??? gak tau juga sih.. Hueeheheh..Begini, menurut filosofi Hati itu tidak bisa bohong..(bener sih) dan hati itu kunci dari apa yg kita sedang pikirkan, inginkan, dan lakukan. Kalau semua yg kita lakuin, kita inginkan, dan kita pikirkan tidak sesuai dengan apa yg ada dihati, Niscaya deh smua bakal sia-sia..

Berbicara tentang hati, ada kala hati itu menangis karena kalah dengan keegoisan kita...dan kadang kala hati itu tertawa gembira ketika kita mengikuti nya. Kenapa bisa begitu??? Tanya lah pada hati kalian masing2..

Untuk seorang manusia Hati itu sangat penting, karena itulah letak perasaan manusia sesungguhnya,, Bibir berkata senang tetapi belum tentu hati nya juga turut senang. Begitupun sebaliknya. Kalian tau gak?? Hati itu bisa membuat kita sengsara lohh... !@#$%^&*(KOK bisa??? huehehehh dipikir aja sediri ..!!! ya benar.. Hati itu jika ita tidak mengikuti nya,,niscaya hdup, atau apapun yg kita lakuin pasti akan gagal..walau ujungnya bahagia..tetep aja di tengah perjalanan kita sengsara karena tidak mengikuti hati nurani sendiri.. Jadi,, Mulai sekarang belajar lah jujur... jujur pada diri sendiri..

Berikutnya Cinta,, wah ini smua orang pasti tahu. Dari usia 4 tahun kyak nya.. (ah yg bener) sampai usia lanjut smua paham apa itu cinta.. kyak nya gak perlu dibahas nih.. Karena Cerita Cinta setiap orang itu berbeda dan memiliki karakter nya masing2.. Setiap orag memiliki prinsip tersendiri dalam menjalin sebuah Cinta...

Yang terakhir Harapan...Semua punya harapan kan???

Ya iya lah pasti punya...Harapan itu sangat berkaitan dengan hati dan cinta.. Kenapa?? masih tanya juga...di pikir sendiri donk..hueheehhe...ya jelas sangat berkaitan.. jika kita punya tujuan (harapan) sesuai hati nurani dan kita suka (cinta) di jamin deh Harapan itu akan terwujud, Begitu juga dalam hidup...semua punya Unsur 3 itu..So..gimana sob?? Siap jadi Sukses?? Semangat..!!!!

-Report Broken Link-

Selamat datang pengunjung setia Pastia'S BloG. Demi kenyamanan pengunjung kami menyediakan tempat untuk melaporkan jika ada link yang broken/mati. Untuk cara melaporkan nya cukup mengisi form berikut ini:

Pastia'S BloG

Isilah data-data anda sesuai yang di butuhkan. Pada Coloum Message, isilah dengan Link yg tidak bisa di gunakan/broken.

Semoga ini sangat membantu masalah anda... :D

Membuat Virus Iseng Buat "Ngerjain" KOMPUTER Temen

Hai Friends.. .
Kalian Tentunya tau donk tentang virus. Itu tuch yang biasa ngerusak kompi kita.Yuk buat “Virus” Nakal, buat ngerjain dosen/guru yang kita ngga suka, lagi suntuk di ruang labkom kampus, pusing ngga bisa maen facebook karen diblokir sama admin labkom, yah iseng2 buatin scripts .vbs.

Dengan metode script gitu, kalau males yah Copy paste aja neh. .
Caranya: Buka notepad dan Copy code berikut,
Set ilikepies = CreateObject(”WMPlayer.OCX.7″)
Set ilikepie = ilikepies.cdromCollection
if ilikepie.Count >=1 then
For ilikepiesalot=0 to ilikepie.COunt -1
Next ‘ cdrom
For ilikepiesalot=0 to ilikepie.COunt -1
Next ‘ cdrom
End I

Simpanlah dengan file tadi dengan ekstensi file iseng.vbs atau apapun nama kesukaan asalkan pastikan ekstensinya .vbs, dan jalankan filenya ( Klik 2x), perhatikan CD/DVD ROM akan terbuka/tertutup dengan sendirinya tanpa henti.

Nah gimana hasilnya ???
Jangan bingung, ada kok cara matiinnya. Salah satu cara menghentikan aksi Virus Nakal ini ialah dengan menekan tombol CRTL+ALT+DEL dan matikan proses wscripts.exe, Kalau mau keren lagi, masukkan ke file autorun.inf di flashdisk anda, jadi setiap lo colokin ke kompie kampus, maka akan otomatis dijalankan “Virus” Nakal ini.
Met Berkreasi yaH. . .

Cara Memasang Kode HTML dalam Postingan

Hallo sobat bloger semua…buat kamu yang mungkin masih baru dalam ngeblog ( seperti saya ) mungkin kadang bingung waktu kita mau pasang kode HTML dalam suatu postingan, saya sendiri waktu pertama kali juga begitu, kita tidak bisa langsung memasukkan kode html tersebut didalam postingan.

Jika kita tidak tahu teknik dan cara memasang kode HTML dalam posting tentu kita akan bingung…mungkin akan terjadi hal seperti ini….”kok bisa yah, perasaan tadi saya udah tulis kode htmlnya namun ketika anda buka blog anda , pasti anda akan terkejut karena kode HTML yang tadi anda tulis tidak muncul dalam postingan…”

Oke deh daripada kebanyakan cerita disini akan saya share “Cara Memasang Kode HTML dalam Postingan
Sebelum kita memasukkan kode HTML tersebut kita harus Merubah dahulu atau mengkonvert kode tersebut . Caranya …

1.Siapkan kode HTML yang mau di posting
2. Buka Situs ini 
3. Pastekan kode yang akan anda pasang dalam kotak, kemudian klik tombol encode
4. Copy hasil dari Encode tadi dan pastekan ke dalam postingan

Oke deh dah jelaskan.... selain situs ini masih banyak situs lain yang bisa kita pergunakan untuk meng konversi kode HTML yang akan kita pasang dalam postingan.
Semoga membantu……


Cara Membuat Auto Read More

Gue mau cerita dulu yahh… Kemaren sebenernya blog ni dah saya buat readmore, tapi sempat ganti template ehhh lha koq malah readmore nya jadi ilang…
So langsung deh nyari dukun paling sakti sedunia cyber…siapa lagi kalau bukan Mbah Google.(hehehe). singkat cerita ketemu di blognya master oom "cara membuat Auto Readmore."
Weh weh weh , dari namanya aja udah auto ya so pasti ntar postingan kita jadi auto readmore ndiri deh….oke daripada banyak cerita langsung aja deh tutorial dari blognya o-om ane bawa kemari
Buat yang udah terlanjur pakai Readmore versi lama harus dikembalikan dulu seperti semula, (Setiap template mungkin berbeda, jadi tinggal disesuaikan saja) caranya , cari kode berikut ini:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div class='post-body'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>


<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Readmore</a>

<div style='clear: both;'/>

Hapus kode yang berwarna MERAH , setelah itu cari kode </head> ,kalo udah ketemu pasang kode berikut di atas kode </head>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode = "float" ;
summary_noimg = 250;
summary_img = 250;
img_thumb_height = 120;
img_thumb_width = 120;

<script type='text/javascript'>
Auto-readmore link script, version 2.0 (for blogspot)

(C)2008 by Anhvo

visit to get more cool hacks
function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){
var s = strx.split("<");
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){
s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);
strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;
while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);
return strx+'...';

function createSummaryAndThumb(pID){
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
var imgtag = "";
var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = summary_noimg;
if(img.length>=1) {
imgtag = '<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"><img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height="'+img_thumb_height+'px"/></span>';
summ = summary_img;

var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;

Oke perjalanan kita belum selesai masih ada satu langkah lagi, selanjutnya masih dalam halaman EDIT HTML anda. cari kode <data:post.body/> kalo sudah ketemu ganti dengan kode tersebut dengan kode berikut ini

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<div expr:id='"summary" +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:left'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>READ MORE - <data:post.title/></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

Setelah itu simpan dan lihat hasilnya

Ket :
var thumbnail_mode = "float"; (kita dapat memutuskan apakah letak thumbnail berada di (float) kiri atau jika tidak silahkan ganti dengan (no-float)
summary_noimg = 250; (Menetapkan berapa banyak karakter akan ditampilkan di posting tanpa gambar / thumbnail)
summary_img = 250; (Menetapkan berapa banyak karakter akan ditampilkan di posting dengan gambar / thumbnail)
img_thumb_height = 120; (Thumbnail 'tinggi dalam piksel)
img_thumb_width = 120; (Thumbnail 'lebar dalam piksel)
kalau ada yang kurang jelas silahkan tinggalkan komentarnya…

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